How Doing New Year’s Resolutions with Your Spouse will Help You Grow Closer

Littleton counseling

There are a number of reasons why couple issues are getting bigger during winter holidays:
·        Prioritization in the hierarchy of values: what is more important - "to keep the family traditions for Christmas, or to solve our communication problems?"; "Do we go on holiday together because we have already spent the money, or forget about it and split up because we are no longer good together?"
·        The consequences of a whole year with problems in couple (unresolved) become more visible around the winter holidays (lack of attention, communication, love, respect, affection, involvement, etc.)
·        The absence of cohesion among partners in addressing problems and differences in strategies to solve them: one shuts down and does not communicate; the other speaks all the time and formulates reproaches...  Obviously, there is nobody there to solve the problems.
·        The absence of common resolutions: each partner has personal expectations from the relationship, and common resolutions are missing. Well educated Littleton counseling services can help families identify and formulate common goals.

 The end of the year is a very good reason to reevaluate your choice of being in the couple you are part of, but also the opportunities you have to create a better relationship.
The New Year can be considered a new beginning for you and your partner to help you define and reorient your relationship; making common resolutions is a good start.

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